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- Short: Useful ARexx scripts for YAM (rel 7) 29 new or updated scripts
- Author: knikulai@utu.fi
- Uploader: knikulai@utu.fi
- Type: comm/mail
- Replace: YAMscripts.lha
- Long:
- This archive contains several AREXX-scripts I've written for Marcel Becks's
- (mbeck@access.ch) great mail program YAM. They were written for version
- 1.3.4 and might not work with older versions. Many of them require reqtools
- and rexxreqtools libraries.
- If you have any questions, comments or bugs to report, send mail to knikulai@utu.fi
- These and other scripts can also be found on my ARexx page at
- http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html
- Or if you want to test the Fileserver2 script, send mail to knikulai@utu.fi with
- word 'request' as subject. Then put word 'help' in the message body and you'll
- receive instruction on how to get scripts, samples and other files which are
- available.
- Some of the scripts in this archive are:
- AddXHeaders.rexx
- ----------------
- Reads a file and adds the contents to the headers of all messages in
- the outgoing folder. Not very useful in my opinion, but several people
- requested for it, so here it is :-)
- CheckNewMail.rexx (v1.4)
- ------------------------
- Scans all your folders and displays which of them have new or unread
- messages in them. Very useful, if you have lots of folders; just let
- the script scan your messages and select the folder you want to read
- next from a requester. The script is pretty fast compared to earlier
- versions.
- DeleteOld.rexx
- --------------
- Removes old messages from the folder automatically.
- FixQuotes.rexx
- --------------
- This script changes quote marks which aren't supported by all fonts
- to ordinary quotes. No more annoying squares in the messages...
- Fileserver2.rexx
- ---------------
- You can create an automated filearchive with this script. Others can
- get files from it by sending a request in e-mail. The script will reply
- and attach the required file in the reply. It can also send a helpfile
- or a current index of the archive. This version is much more versatile
- than the old script, it can for example display contents of archived
- files.
- GetAddresses.rexx (v1.1)
- ------------------------
- Scans all messages in the current folder for e-mail addresses and
- displays them in a requester. From that requester addresses can be
- added to the YAM addresbook.
- GrabURL.rexx (v1.2)
- -------------------
- Scans the selected message and displays all http: and ftp: references
- in a requester. You can select one of them and send it to your browser.
- Currently supported browsers are AWeb, IBrowse and Voyager.
- GrabAllURLs.rexx (v1.1) & MakeHotlist.rexx
- ------------------------------------------
- These scripts scan all _read_ messages in the current folder for http:
- and ftp: references like the above script. The first then displays a
- requester and second creates a HTML-file and sends it to your browser.
- Join.rexx (v1.1)
- ----------------
- Joins and uudecodes multipart messages. Can be used with for example
- many ftp-mailers and SplitNMail.rexx.
- PGPRead.rexx & PGPWrite.rexx
- ----------------------------
- These scripts try to make usng PGP a bit simpler and quicker.
- Search.rexx (v1.1)
- ------------------
- Search current folder for a word.
- SplitNMail.rexx
- ---------------
- This script will split a long file into several posts and mail them.
- This is useful for posting long files to many mailing lists and newsgroups.
- Tagline2.rexx
- -------------
- Changes the editor button to 'add tagline' -button . Supports multiple
- tagfiles and multi-line tags.
- Unread.rexx
- -----------
- Simpy marks the current message as unread.
- WholeStory.rexx (v1.3)
- ----------------------
- Combines multipart messages. I use this script to join X-Files fanfic
- mailings into a single file.
- YAMMail.rexx (v1.1)
- -------------------
- Use YAM to send mail from AWeb. Asks, if you want to include the current
- page. This version can get the subject from the URL. I'm not sure how
- it will work with the commercial version, since I only have the old demo.
- What to do, when the scripts will not work?
- -------------------------------------------
- First of all you need to check a few things:
- - Do you have YAM running? The scripts can be started from shell or
- whatever program you are using, but they need to have YAM running first.
- - Do you have ARexx running? If not, you might want to add line
- 'run <>nil: RexxMast' to your startup-sequence
- - Do you have rx-command in sys:rexxc, where YAM looks for it?
- - Do you have all the required libraries?
- - Did you configure the script correctly? This means editing path and
- filenames in the script and setting the correct path & command in
- YAM:.config
- If you still have problems, keep YAM running in the background and execute
- the script from shell by typing 'rx yam:rexx/scriptname'. That way you
- will see the error message which usually is 'Missing quote' or 'Unfinished
- comment' which are both really easy to correct.
- If you still can't get a script work, execute it from shell by typing
- 'rx >ram:error yam:rexx/scriptname' and send the created file ram:error
- to knikulai@utu.fi and I'll try to fix the problem.
- Have fun!